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Lego Robotics


In this unit of robotics I was leader of three groups guiding them since I had previous experience with lego robots. They had to build, program and test their robot.


The programming wasn't the easiest thing to understand for my groups since the programs were a bit confusing and the guides it gave were not much help since they weren't very consistent especially for the 90 degree turn. This is where my previous experience helped. I taught my groups the way I had learned to make the correct turn and it made it a lot easier for them.


The picture here I was helping one of the groups build the robot so it could be able to write. Which was one of challenges of the unit because the pen/marker wouldn't stop moving out of place. They decided that they could work with it the way it was and program it correctly to write. It worked and they were the first group to write a full word.



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